Who let the dogs out? Yes. Can't think of a song related to "following"... maybe take me on? No... what's the one with the creepy guy... Lionel Richie?! idk... not enough sleep...

For those of us who have a couple of branches in a project you constantly flip between to visualize changes, but refuse to use a GUI because…. well because the command line feels cooler in all honesty and if that’s what it takes for me to enjoy doing some work, so what.

Git adog will show all branches and all commits in a little pretty diagram which is handy for woking out what you last did when returning to an idle project.

Git fo will show all commits assosiated with a particular file. Very useful as of late!


Create Aliases

git config --global alias.adog "log --all --decorate --oneline --graph"

git config --global alias.fo "log --follow --oneline --"


git adog

git fo filename.txt

Edit: 2022-01-01

Add git follow alias