Brackets, and more brackets.

More specifically LTSPICE.

Dependent Sources and Resistors

Dependent resistor

Putting the equation for the resistance, or voltage, doesn’t work when placed straight into the value field. Prefacing it with V or R, however does. Just have to make sure you use the normal brackets.

Dependent voltage sources too!

Also, needs to be the bv voltage source, not just voltage. I have it on good authority that this method doesn’t work on resistors in older versions of SPICE but I can’t confirm this.


Curly bois

The only place that spice doesn’t seem to complain about the use of curly braces is when you use it to resolve a variable as the value of a component. This includes the value of sources and passive components.

SPICE is very quick to argue when you use these unnecessarily so they can’t be used as a replacement for standard round brackets.