Wondering why there’s so many spirit based cleaning products? Me neither. Either way here’s some notes on ‘em.


Isopropyl Alcohol. Great for general electronic cleaning work, doesn’t evaporate too quickly, and strips the flux right off that board. Leaves behind no residue generally but may leave streaks due to dissolved impurities. Fairly safe

Methylated Spirits

Ethanol based but with nasty, and purple, stuff (methanol) in it to make it undrinkable. Great for mini camping stoves, but leaves behind a slight residue because of the denaturing stuff in it, and makes for a very aggressive cleaning compound. More agressive than IPA. Often used to strip finished and waxes on things. Less safe.

White Spirit

Mineral based, probably the most readily available. Generally used for cleaning off paint since it breaks down emulsion. Overall mostly used for a little cleaning work and thinning paint. Similar to meths but not quite as aggressive and leaves some residue sometimes. Less safe.


Seems almost exclusive for optics due to the required high purity in application. Pretty bad for you in every way. Use with caution.


Despite having all of these on hand I think I’m going to stick with the IPA. It seems to bridge the gap between meths and methanol being a high purity cleaner, that strips grease etc quite well, but also won’t slowly kill you in the process.

Cotton Buds

As an aside, try using Johnsons baby cotton buds instead of the brands. They tend to be bound a little better and considerably less prone to leaving strands of cotton all over the part you’re cleaning - especially sharp solder joints.

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