Maybe it'll work, maybe it won't. Who knows!?

A quick replacement design for a headphone hanger for the industrial shelving I use for storage.

Waiting on new printer to arrive so thought this might be a good test.

Model here needs splitting down somewhat into smaller parts for printing.

Uses M4 threaded rod to strengthen it. Whenever I’ve printed these before I’ve had trouble with it snapping where it goes through the shelving. I’m hoping this might solve it, but will probably fit a bolt through the other retaining wing to make sure.


Edit: 2021/02/03

Printer arrived so onwards:

Printy printy printy prin....

First print didn’t end well since I oversized the retaining bits that go into the shelving.

Had to up support threshold in Cura to 70° to avoid it putting support in the 4mm hole I reserved for threaded rod in the event it wasn’t strong enough.

I’ve since corrected this and the above files are now correct.


As Allen Millyard might say. It fits perfect.

And looks a damn side better than my old bodged printed solution as well.

Although its only in PLA, it’s damn strong.


I prefer to let the headphone cable hang down instead of coiling it up. Stops it kinking.

Would be great if someone did some small diameter wire for headphones out of that same PVC Fender uses on their 1/4” instrument cables… Maybe it already exists…

Well, here I go printing more things to fit to industrial shelving…